Personal Injury

What is Direct Examination?

TV shows and movies that take place in a courtroom put a heavy emphasis on closing statements at the end of a trial. The lawyers make their dramatic final pleas and set the case up for a fruitful and satisfying ending for viewers. However, what is rarely shown are the other parts of the trial […] Read more


Will My Personal Injury Case Go to Trial?

Being involved in a personal injury lawsuit can be stressful. A case can take months or even years to resolve, particularly if the matter goes all the way to trial. The good news is that only about 4-5% of personal injury lawsuits ever reach a verdict. The flipside to this is that 95-96% of these […] Read more


How Much Does a Personal Injury Attorney Cost?

After an accident, you may face several obstacles as you fight to get back on your feet. Medical bills can add up quickly. The cost of replacing or repairing damaged property isn’t cheap. If your injuries are severe, you may even be forced to take time off from work as you recover. This can put […] Read more